Financial Peace University

Whether you’re just starting out or you’ve been handling money for a while, financial pressures are a reality. We can help you in your quest for financial freedom, with practical instruction based on years of experience handling money God’s way.

Financial Peace University

Financial Peace University

Financial Peace University (FPU) features video teaching by Dave Ramsey and his team of trusted financial experts. It includes lively small group discussion and interactive activities covering topics such as emergency funds, dumping debt, spending wisely, insurance, investments, real estate, and much more. It's straightforward, down-to-earth, and has already worked for hundreds of people here at Mission Church and millions more around the world. Experience the hope and peace that comes from getting your money under control.

Registration is closed. Let us know you're interested in this course so we can get you more information! 

The Details


February 5 - April 9
(9 week duration, breaking for Spring Break on March 12)


Wednesdays from 6:30-8:30pm


Mission Church Memphis
6000 Briarcrest Ave. Memphis, TN 38120
Room 210


This study is $40 per single or household.


You do not have to attend Mission Church to be a part of this class.

Mission Kids will be available, but space is limited. You only need to register the children you will be bringing with you weekly.

  • April 2, 6:30pm - 8:30pm

    Financial Peace University

  • April 9, 6:30pm - 8:30pm

    Financial Peace University


Personal Financial Coaching

Have questions about budgeting, real estate, buying a car, saving for a child’s education, paying off debt, spending, or other financial matters? We’d love to assist you with a no-cost financial coaching appointment. An experienced member of our team will bring a fresh perspective to your situation and prayerfully endeavor to provide biblical clarity, wisdom, and counsel.