
Discipleship Hero 2

At Mission Church, we desire to see our partners follow Christ, be formed by Christ, and fish for Christ as we live with a shared biblical purpose and calling to make gospel-centered disciples.

And he said to them, “Follow me and I will make you fishers of men.”

Matthew 4:19

Start a Discipleship Relationship

Starting a Discipleship Relationship

We would love to come alongside you and help you begin a gospel-centered discipleship relationship with another person. We have seen some of the best relationships start from pre-existing friendships and relationships, so we encourage you to start with people that you already know. We also know that not everyone has those types of friendships yet, so if you need our help finding someone to disciple you, let us know below.

Let us know

We would love to know if you are in a discipleship relationship with someone. 

Discipleship Courses

We are currently writing and building a three course track of DNA Discipleship Courses that you can attend to help you become ready to make disciples. We named these classes DNA because we believe that Discipleship should be the fundamental and distinctive characteristic of who we are as a believer, much like the DNA in our body.

We believe that God ultimately uses people and not programs to make disciples. As a result, the role of these courses is not to make disciples, but to equip disciples for the ongoing work of the ministry. The goal is to see each participant equipped with a foundational and biblical theology, a gospel-centered and biblical worldview, a reproducible model of discipleship, and practical resources for making disciples. At the end of the three courses, a person should be equipped to go and make disciples as we are called to do in the Great Commission.

If you would like to be notified about upcoming courses, please click below.

DNA Foundations

DNA : Foundations

Join us for a 7 week course that will cover the primary beliefs of the Christian faith and serve as an introduction to biblical theology. Whether you are new to the faith or have faithfully followed Jesus Christ for years, this class will equip you to understand and articulate what we believe as Christ followers and ensure that you are building your life on The Solid Foundation. We will study the bible, the trinity, the fall, the gospel, the church and spiritual disciplines. 

August 11 - September 29 | Sunday Mornings | 9:00am - 10:30am

Registration cost is $15

Registration for the Fall 2024 Foundations class has closed. A new course will begin January 2025.

DNA Discipleship

DNA : Discipleship

If you want to take a step to become a disciple maker, this class is for you! This 10 week course will introduce you to the theology of discipleship, lead you through some topics to address with the person you disciple, and provide practical tools for being a disciple maker. When you leave this course, we hope and pray that you are ready to become a disciple maker.

This class is a prerequisite for the DNA: Biblical Theology class, so if you desire to take Biblical Theology in January 2025, you will need to take this class this fall.

 September 8 - November 24 | Sunday Afternoons | 3:30-6:00pm

Registration cost is $30

Registration for the Fall 2024 Discipleship class has closed.

DNA Biblical Theology 4x3 1

DNA : Biblical Theology

This 10 week course will equip people with the ability to see the overarching storyline of Scripture from Genesis to Revelation through the lens of the gospel. Having a gospel-centered, biblical theology will provide you with the foundation and groundwork needed for a gospel-centered practical theology as you interact with our world and culture today.

Prior to attending this class, you will need to attend the DNA: Discipleship class. The class will begin in January 2025, and all previous participants of DNA: Discipleship will receive an invitation to this class.

To learn more about discipleship, please listen to the following sermon series.

And Jesus came and said to them, ‘All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”

Matthew 28: 18-20