Student Camp


This summer we are hosting two camps for Students - our own High School Camp in Gulf Shores, AL and our own Middle School Camp in Moscow, TN.

Why Two Camps?

Summer trips exist to give students the opportunity to get away from "regular life" and spend time growing in their relationship with Jesus, relationships with trusted adult volunteers who serve as small group leaders, and in relationships with people their own age who also want to grow closer to Jesus. Doing a separate middle school and high school camp allows us to tailor the content, activities, schedule, food, free time, travel time - everything about the trips - to these two different age groups. 

Middle School Camp will take place at a location that offers even more structured free time, activities for Middle Schoolers (ropes course, pool, pickleball, volleyball, fishing, canoes, gaga ball, a game room and MORE). High School Camp will offer longer worship and teaching sessions, longer time in small group discussion sessions, and the beach. We truly believe that doing two separate camps is going to set up your student with the best summer trip opportunity possible.

  • High School Camp

    High School Camp is taking place in Gulf Shores, AL at Gulf Shores Beach Retreat, Monday, June 2 - Friday, June 6. High School Camp is for current 8th - 12th graders (students who will be 9th grade or older during the 2025-2026 school year).

    High School Camp
  • Middle School Camp

    Middle School Camp is taking place in Moscow, TN at the newly renovated Country Place, Wednesday, June 25 - Sunday, June 29. Middle School Camp is for current 5th - 7th graders (students who will be in 6th-8th during the 2025-2026 school year).

    Middle School Camp