Get Involved

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Do you want to....

  • Become a member or learn more about Mission Church?

    Discover Mission is the place to learn more about Mission Church and take your first step toward getting involved. In this interactive class, you will learn about our church and how to become a member, discover ways to connect in community, see how you can serve the body of Christ, and find ways to go on mission outside the walls of the church.

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  • Sign up for a Wednesdays @ Mission Course?

    Wednesdays @ Mission offers something for the whole family. Whether it's Men or Women's Read + Pray, Financial Peace University, Marriage Prep, re|engage, or Student Ministry, there is somewhere for you to get involved.

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  • Sign up for a Discipleship Course?

    At Mission Church, we desire to see our partners follow Christ, be formed by Christ, and fish for Christ as we live with a shared biblical purpose and calling to make gospel-centered disciples.

    Sign up for Discipleship are open now. 

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  • Find a Small Group?

    Small groups are designed around age and stage of life while courses allow you to step into gospel-centered community around a specific subject for a specific length of time and provide an on ramp to long term community within a small group.

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  • Learn more about Young Adults ministry?

    Mission Young Adults is for 18-29 year olds. Whether you are single, married, in college, or working, our desire is to help young adults discover who Jesus is and equip them to make gospel-centered disciples.

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  • Learn more about Student ministry?

    No one has more influence on a child than his or her parents, and we’re here to gather around families with the goal of supporting them, praying for them, and partnering with them. Mission Students desires for teenagers to know Jesus as their Lord and Savior and deepen their understanding of who they are in Christ as they interact and engage with the culture around them.

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  • Learn more about local and global missions?

    We take the Great Commission seriously. Jesus commanded us to go into all of the world and make disciples. We are compelled as ambassadors of Christ to demonstrate and declare the redeeming power of the gospel to a broken world.

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  • Start serving at Mission Church?

    Serving at Mission Church is a key way to steward the time and talents with which God has entrusted you. At Mission Church, members of our body are encouraged to partner in our gospel-centered mission by serving regularly. Opportunities to invest your gifts and serve others include: Kids, Students, and Young Adults ministries; Courses and Small Groups for Women, Men, and Marriage; Guest Services, Worship, and Production; and others.

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  • Check out the calendar?

    Find all of our events for this fall in one place. 
